Scrappy fabric cat bows


Due to my well-known status as an inveterate cat lady (or barren baby-hating witch* to my friends), I like to expend my excess maternal energy on my cats (which they just love, let me tell you).

*Note: I don’t actually hate babies. I actually quite like them when they belong to someone else, and have even been known to call one cute (shh don’t tell anyone). I can’t refute the witch thing though.


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8 things to know before a kitten steals your heart


Today is a special day – it is two months since Sirius Black became part of our family (our kitten, not the falsely convicted mass murderer and Azkaban-escapee). In honour of this joyous occasion, I thought I would share some of my hard-earned wisdom on the subject of kitten raising (my family has had our fair share of kittens). Meow!

1. Don’t get a kitten because you want a kitten; get a kitten because you want a cat

News flash: kittens grow up. Really, really fast. They are only adorable balls of kitten fluff for a few short months before they enter their awkward ‘rebellious teenager’ phase. Cats can live for over 20 years, so realistically they are only kittens for like 1/60 of their life. So if you only like cats when they’re kittens – don’t get a kitten. Go and play with some kittens at a shelter maybe, or become a foster carer.  Continue reading


thumb_thumb_IMG_2736_1024_1024My cat Lara died last night. She was almost 15 years old.


Lara was born in England, and we picked her up as an eight-week old kitten, along with her identical twin brother, Indiana. Getting them was a great idea by my parents, who wanted to help us get used to living in a new country so far from home. Continue reading

Home Sweet Home

You guys, it’s my house on the internet!! 

Amazing Emory from Hello, Scarlett Blog has featured my very own home as part of her monthly Home series!! Emory is incredible – she posts about D.I.Y., life, cooking, style and a whole range of other things every few days, runs her own store, Potomac Trading Post, has just finished building her dream home, and loves Audrey Hepburn. So basically she’s my muse… *blogger crush*!

If you would like to step on over and check out my house on the internet, please do – and make sure you stay for a look around at all the awesome D.I.Y. and prairie-inspired loveliness at Hello, Scarlett! 

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