Book Club – November 2014

book club novemberI’ve read some wonderful books this month – and oneĀ terrible one. My focus has been on true crime lately – I’ve become a bit obsessed with books about trials. I guess it makes sense, seeing as I have recently been admitted as a lawyer. :)

Let me know if you’ve read any of my books for this month, and what you thought – I love to hear your comments! You are also most welcome to follow along with my monthly reading on Goodreads, and I would equally love to check out your lists too. Continue reading

Totally Trendy Crochet Bunting (Part 2)

Bunting2 frontLast week I showed you the crochet bunting I whipped up for Mario and my engagement party (although I plan to use it for many more things in future!). Today, I wanted to show you how I finished off the bunting with crochet letters!

bunting2 1

I wanted to spell out our names along the bunting, but never having made crochet letters before, I wasn’t sure if it would be beyond my skill level. Luckily, I found an awesome (and free) set of instructions for the whole alphabet over at Moogly. Continue reading

Totally Trendy Crochet Bunting (Part 1)

Bunting FrontThe idea for this project appeared fully formed in my brain, as if by magic. One moment I was thinking ‘Is that salami still good?’*, and the next, ‘Well of course, why wouldn’t I make crochet bunting for my engagement party with only a week and a half to spare?’.

(*This isn’t what I was really thinking, but just FYI, I find that salami is almost always still good…) Continue reading

Painted Jars

These jars are not waterproof!!!

See that sentence above there? That sentence is important for three reasons. The first is that it shows that I am a hands-on D.I.Y. craft blogger. No aspirational re-blogs and Pinterest compilations for me. If it’s on my blog, I actually made it (or failed to make it!).

The second reason that sentence is important is because unlike some bloggers, who feel the need to present everything as though it is perfect, I am real with you, my lovely readers. I have too much respect for you to lie or photoshop the crap out of my failed projects! We, who spend our lives and our free time on the endless quest to make things, we know what it is to fail. And we are not ashamed. No. We are proud. Continue reading

Monogram Frame

Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last 10 days, I’ve been super busy! Why, you ask? Well, in fact, we had our engagement party last weekend! So, of course, I had to (yes, had to) do lots of craft projects to prepare!

I’m a bit proud of the project I’m sharing with you today. I came up with it all by myself (i.e., no pinspiration)! I bought the chevron fabric ages and ages ago online, thinking that I might make a cushion out of it. It wasn’t as thick as I had anticipated, however, and it wouldn’t really have worked. I’m pretty excited that I finally got to use it. Continue reading