Scrappy fabric cat bows


Due to my well-known status as an inveterate cat lady (or barren baby-hating witch* to my friends), I like to expend my excess maternal energy on my cats (which they just love, let me tell you).

*Note: I don’t actually hate babies. I actually quite like them when they belong to someone else, and have even been known to call one cute (shh don’t tell anyone). I can’t refute the witch thing though.


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8 things to know before a kitten steals your heart


Today is a special day – it is two months since Sirius Black became part of our family (our kitten, not the falsely convicted mass murderer and Azkaban-escapee). In honour of this joyous occasion, I thought I would share some of my hard-earned wisdom on the subject of kitten raising (my family has had our fair share of kittens). Meow!

1. Don’t get a kitten because you want a kitten; get a kitten because you want a cat

News flash: kittens grow up. Really, really fast. They are only adorable balls of kitten fluff for a few short months before they enter their awkward ‘rebellious teenager’ phase. Cats can live for over 20 years, so realistically they are only kittens for like 1/60 of their life. So if you only like cats when they’re kittens – don’t get a kitten. Go and play with some kittens at a shelter maybe, or become a foster carer.  Continue reading