D.I.Y. Vintage Textured Frames


While Mario and I were in Rome last month, we stumbled across a beautiful gallery – I Colori di Dentro – which showcased the work of  Maria Grazia Luffarelli.

Maria’s prints were so vibrant, I fell in love instantly. We were leaving in 2 days and had literally no room left in our suitcases, but I had to bring home at least a small memento of this beautiful artwork. We bought a small print on wood for my mum, and I contented myself with three postcard-sized prints on beautiful textured card. One of the first things I did when we got home was whip up some frames so that I could display them on the wall. Continue reading

D.I.Y. Rustic Noteboard

Board Front

Last Monday I was feeling a little flat, so I decided to get out for some exercise. To my delight, our street was having a hard rubbish collection, and I found some treasures! That’s right, I am that creepy girl who goes stealing peoples’ trash off the street. And darn proud of it!

These wooden frames were my faves, and I got to work right away to transform them. I wanted to incorporate some chicken wire that I’d picked up for a few dollars, and I needed a new note board for my office – perfect combination. Continue reading

Merry & Bright Christmas Marquee Sign


3 days until Christmas! We’re at the pointy end now! Mario and I managed to knock out the last few presents we wanted to buy today, so I’m feeling pretty on top of things – how about you?

Today’s project is, without a doubt, my favourite Christmas project I’ve done. I’ve been working on it for a few weeks now, and it feels wonderful to be finished!

Merry & Bright 6

On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me….

A Merry & Bright Christmas Marquee Sign

Merry & Bright 4

Continue reading

Monogram Frame


Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last 10 days, I’ve been super busy! Why, you ask? Well, in fact, we had our engagement party last weekend! So, of course, I had to (yes, had to) do lots of craft projects to prepare!

I’m a bit proud of the project I’m sharing with you today. I came up with it all by myself (i.e., no pinspiration)! I bought the chevron fabric ages and ages ago online, thinking that I might make a cushion out of it. It wasn’t as thick as I had anticipated, however, and it wouldn’t really have worked. I’m pretty excited that I finally got to use it. Continue reading

Pretty in Polaroid – September Short Projects

pretty in polaroidThis project is all about photos, and their best friend, Photoshop. Polaroid and Instagram-style photos are all the rage at the moment, with some stores (I’m looking at you, Kikki K) offering to print your pictures in this style for an exorbitant price – I’ve seen places quoting $10 for 10 photos. I used to work in a photo printing centre, so I knew I could do better than that. Continue reading

Provincial Style Chalkboard Frames – September Short Projects

Provincial Chalkboard FramesWelcome to another beautiful September morning and the long-dreaded Election Day! Remember to make your vote count for the issues you care about (animal rights, anyone?).

Today’s September Short Project is something I have been meaning to get to for a while. I saw these MDF frames at Bunnings ages ago, and had to get them – I knew they would look great somewhere (although I had no idea where!). They were $12.95 each.

Vintage frames from BunningsVintage frames from Bunnings

I painted them white with my trusty can of antique white paint that is still going strong. It has a nice gloss to it and really classed up the frames.

Provincial style frame from Bunnings

Provincial style frames from Bunnings

Provincial style frames from Bunnings

Then they sat around the house for about 4 months while I debated what to do with them. Artistic photos of us? Scrapbook paper background? I tried both, but they just didn’t seem right.

Finally, it hit me – I now have some extra chalkboard paint after making my chalkboard wall, and I decided they would make great chalkboard frames!

Being the lazy person that I am, I just painted the back insert of the frame. I didn’t even use a brush – I laid the paint on thickly with a paper towel, so that I wouldn’t have to bother with oil paint cleanup.

Chalkboard frames

Complete with cat hair!

After letting the frames dry for 48 hours, I slapped on a few designs with my chalk, and replaced the inserts into the frames.

Chalkboard frames

Still complete with cat hair…

Provincial chalkboard frame

Provincial chalkboard frame

Needs a bit of a clean up!

I’ve been thinking of these frames for our powder room for a while, and to my happiness they really suited it. We have French provincial bathroom accessories, although you can’t really see them, and I think the frames match well!

Bathroom/powder room

The before shot.

I put the frames up using some helpful 3M stickies – what do you think of the final effect?

Bathroom/powder room

The after shot.

Provincial chalkboard frames

Provincial chalkboard frames

Check out some other September Short Projects: