My (DIY)(Paper) Wedding Bouquet


Let’s talk bouquets – as I think I have (possibly repeatedly?) mentioned, I made mine, and it was great (the process, I mean, not the bouquet). Not to blow my own horn, but I also think that the bouquet turned out pretty awesome, a fact for which I am thankful. 

At what point in the wedding planning process did I decide to make my own bouquet? I can’t really remember, but I think it was very early on. I had to put up with a lot of doubting Thomases too. “You’ll be so stressed”, they said. “Real flowers are nicer!” “You’re a control freak who is unable to relinquish control over the smallest details of your life and one day you’ll have a breakdown”… You get the picture. Continue reading

Three days on Santorini


It’s considered to be one of the most romantic places in the world, and it didn’t disappoint – Santorini is incredible. We had three days on the island as part of our honeymoon, and it was just magical.

The best part? Without question, the view. Oh my god, the view. One thing that I just wasn’t expecting was how HIGH the island is along the caldera! One morning we were relaxing in our room when we saw a helicopter fly by… below us. It was amazing.

santorini Continue reading

DIY Wedding Reception Flowers

DIY Wedding Reception Flowers

Let’s talk about DIY wedding reception flowers.

For me, the decision to DIY was an easy one – I’d seen my best friend do the flowers for her mum’s wedding, and they looked amazing, plus they were really economical. Anything that saved me money in the wedding planning process was a no brainer. Plus, it was just one more thing that I could exert my ever-increasing need for control over (yes, I know I have a problem).

To help you decide if doing your own wedding reception flowers is a good option for you, I have put together a handy flow chart, with some very important questions. Continue reading